
What is Jalbo all about?

Jalbo is an ongoing psychological operation founded in 2022. It is meant to represent the shifting boundary between art and technology.

The word "jalbo" itself comes from Coimbra, Portugal. It is something you would call a friend if they are demonstrating a lower intelligence in the moment than they had previously (affectionately). If ever you didn't get something right one the first time, then you too are a jalbo.

What's the deal with the QR code?

JalboQR is the most recent innovation from Jalbo Studios. The brand introduces a unique logo in the form of a QR code, specifically the QR code that corresponds to the URL https://jalbo.link. This QR code is ephemeral and can be updated by Jalbo at any time. It serves as a means to promote art, education, conversation, growth, development, positivity, and all things good.

How does it work?

The QR code's current version uses Attestations on the ethereum network. Jalbo's Attestations on the schema modify the redirect for the corresponding QR code link. With a transaction on either the Optimism Mainnet or Optimism-Goerli networks, we can dynamically change the redirect link of the QR code based on Jalbo's provided schema. This enables us to seamlessly redirect the QR code to different links depending on specific transactions made on either the Optimism Mainnet or Optimism-Goerli networks.

What's the vision here?

Jalbo hopes that we can help people develop their own personal brands effectively convey the evolving nature of the human experience, using technology.